
Special Arte Sella
Arte Sella


The contemporary mountain

Sally Matthews, 2002-2013
Copyright Arte Sella
Photo by Giorgio Barchiesi   Spiral
Alois Steger, 2011
Copyright Arte Sella
Photo by Giorgio Barchiesi

On the surface
Stuart Ian Frost, 2012
Copyright Arte Sella
Photo by Giorgio Barchiesi   Houses for barons in the trees
Roberto Conte, 2015
Copyright Arte Sella
Photo by Giorgio Barchiesi

Artworks represented in the above pictures: Wolves, by Sally Matthews, Spiral, by Alois Steger, On the surface, by Stuart Ian Frost, and Houses for barons in the trees, by Roberto Conte. Copyright Arte Sella, photos by Giorgio Barchiesi.

We thank the Associazione Arte Sella for having granted the authorization to publish the photographic material, on which the same Association holds the copyright.

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