


from Labbio


A skialp tour in the Alto Lario, with a striking view on Lake Como... It's a very exciting and pretty safe trip thanks to the moderate slopes and to the fact that it mainly takes place on or about the dorsal ridge to the summit, also allowing you to enjoy stunning views.

It is evaluated BS (good skier) and is also suitable for snowshoeing.


You reach the Alto Lario either from Como or Lecco, reaching the village of Musso not far from Dongo, in the far northern branch of Lake Como.

At the height of the Church of Musso (before it, if you come from Como, or after it, if you come from Lecco - Dongo) a road branches off (Via delle Frazioni) with different directions including the fraction Croda and especially the Agritour Labbio. After Croda the road is first paved and then dirt, in the direction of the farm and the church of San Bernardo. Follow it, up to the last section, paved with cement. In our case, because of the snow, we left the car a few turns before the farm


and started recording the track from there, but it is often possible to park right at the parking lot near the farm.


From the agritour, a clear indication leads to a visible trail:

verso la chiesa

The trail heads towards the church of San Bernardo (1105 m):

verso la chiesa

From there you go up along the ridge to the left, towards the south-west:

dorsale dalla chiesa



You get to a barn near which there is also a beautiful fountain (useful, even in winter!)


and continue past one of the most rocky ridges, first keeping right and then climbing it up

a destra del ripido

verso le creste

The summit is not yet visible on the left, but following the series of secondary summits, you reach it easily.

creste e antecime

sempre su cresta

altra antecima

Meanwhile, you can enjoy wonderful views of the lake:

verso la vetta

And you finally get to the summit:

in vetta


A wonderful descent, along the path forward.

sciata magica

fb, 2014-01-15

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