


from Punta Indren

Balmenhorn con il Cristo (destra) e Corno Nero (sin)

A beautiful 4000 of Monte Rosa that allows you to enjoy extraordinary views.


You take the Gressoney Valley at Pont Saint Martin in Val d'Aosta, and drive until you reach Staffal, where the road ends and there are several cableways.

parcheggio Staffal, impianti


You take the cableway to Punta Indren (3275m)

arrivo funivia

In front of you, at the exit of the cable car, there is a rocky crag with two channels that allow to overcome it.

verso il canale di sinistra

in the steepest part you take off your skis and proceed on foot, possibly with crampons, depending on snow conditions.

il canale di sinistra

through this direct route you will come out on a plateau where on your left you can see the Refuge Gniffetti

il rifugio Gniffetti

while in front of you stands the Piramide Vincent

Piramide Vincent

you continue in the direction of the Col del Lys, leaving on our right the Pyramid and the rocky spurs of Balmenhorn - with the Bivouac Giordani - and the Schwarzhorn, farther away

si aggira a sinistra

Corno nero al centro, a sin Ludwighohe

you continue, thus reaching the foot of the west side of the Ludwigshöhe (top-left in the picture), and finally you reach the Col del Lys

Col del Lys

In front of you the destination: Punta Parrot (right in the picture, on the left Punta Gniffetti with the Capanna Margherita)

Col del Lys

on your left appear the Zumstein and Punta Dufour

appaiono la Dufour e la Zumstein

you go around the rocks to climb the final ridge

cresta finale

and thus reach the summit


wonderful panoramas of all the Monte Rosa peaks

Zumstein e Dofour dalla cima


You go down through the Lys glacier along the same route forward, between beautiful seracs

discesa tra i seracchi

fb, 2014-07-03

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