


from Cerisey

la cima a sinistra del colle

The hike to the Mont Flassin is another classic skialp tour in the Aosta Valley. It is usually done as a round trip tour through the Valley of Flassin, that corresponds to the track reported here as a descent path. We propose instead the rise through the beautiful valley of Citrin, to travel on a loop and then descend via the valley of Flassin.

The tour includes a small engaging step in the final ridge, requiring a short climbing stretch near the top of Citrin. In that short passage (II degree) there is a bolt to secure yourself with a piece of rope.


Shortly before Aosta, take the road to the Great St. Bernard Pass until you reach Saint-Oyen, where you turn to Cerisey and go on until you get to Flassin, where there are facilities for cross-country skiing. You can easily find a parking place.



You take the cross-country sky trail that goes along the stream to the north, to reach the entrance of the Valley of Citrin

pista fondo verso nord

You divert from the trail, by going left


You go up the Valley of Citrin, passing aside the huts of Citrin Desot


After going past the huts, you continue along the right side of the valley (orographic left) and go through the woods

vallone del Citrin

ci si inoltra

nel bosco

until you reach the huts of Citrin Damon


Then you head freely towards the Pass of Citrin, possibly following the direction of the power line

verso il col Citrin

il Flassin sulla sinistra

prossimi al colle

col Citrin

From Col Citrin, 2482 m, you follow the ridge to the West-North-West, towards the summit of Mount Flassin (secondary summit, 2756 m); you remove you skis in the last part of the ascent

la cresta conclusiva dal colle

passaggio delicato

quasi in vetta



You go down along the Valley of Flassin, passing by the huts of Tsa de Flassin

vallone del Flassin


ancora scendendo

nel canale

until you get to Cerisey, the starting point.

fb, 2014-03-02

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