


Caviola and Molino, from Canale d'Agordo, by Via Cavallera

Laghetto presso Falcade

There is a dirt road that connects the various towns of the Valley of Biois. Here is described the portion of it that from Canale d'Agordo leads, respectively, to Caviola, Falcade, and Molino. The road, which is called Via Cavallera, is ideal for pleasant walks, because it is easy to follow and offers picturesque views.

The stretch from the central square of Canale d'Agordo up to the bridge over the stream Biois before Caviola, has recently been converted to a Via Crucis. Dedicated to Pope John Paul I, born Albino Luciani, originating from Canale d'Agordo, it is adorned with bas-reliefs by the sculptor Franco Murer, from Falcade:


Canale d'Agordo is located at the side of SS346, and can be reached by crossing the bridge over the stream Biois. There are several parking areas.


From the central square, where the initial station of the Via Crucis is located, take the road towards the north-west, which passes between the houses:

Just past the last houses, the path takes on its prevailing character: a comfortable road that climbs gently through the woods:

Along the way you meet, properly spaced, the various stations of the Via Crucis:

Later you reach a clearing along the perimeter of which continues the Via Crucis:

Shortly after there is a bridge that crosses the stream Biois, bringing you to the left bank. In short you get to a fork: turning right takes you to Caviola, while by continuing straight you continue towards Falcade.

The road winds a little in the woods, with some slightly more steep stretch:

You find the first houses of Falcade, and after a final stretch of woodland, you reach the Falcade Plain, a large grassy clearing, south of the town:

It houses among other things, a pond for fishing, a playground, a bowling green.

There is a beautiful view over the Cime dell'Auta:

You can now cross the bridge, thus finding yourself again on the right bank of the stream. Going a bit back on this side, there is a charming little waterfall with a pond:

Returning to the initial direction instead, you continue towards Molino, which you can reach after crossing yet another bridge.

From there you can see the Group of Focobon from a really favorable position:

Route variant

At the end of the Via Crucis, before the bridge over the stream Biois, a trail branches off from the road on the left:

This trail, suitable for hikers, allows you to go directly to Falcade, where it joins back the other. By going through it, you proceed on the mountainside, in the woods:

So you remain on the right bank of the river, which remains visible below:

In the last part the trail runs smoothly next to the stream. This way you first reach the small waterfall with pond, and then the bridge at the Plain of Falcade.


Same trail.

gb, 2013-08-01

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