


from Hinterrhein, Canton of Grisons


The climb to the Chilchalphorn is a classic skialp tour in the extreme western Grisons just after the Pass of San Bernardino.

It is an ideal route, relatively safe thanks to moderate slopes, continuous and therefore offering a steady descent in a beautiful mountain environment, typically Swiss.

It is assessed MSA (average skier), and is suitable also with snowshoes, although the altitude gain (about 1400 m) requires an adequate training.


You reach Hinterrhein coming from Como, Chiasso and Bellinzona, where you deviate taking the highway to San Bernardino: immediately after the tunnel of the Pass (closed in winter) there is the junction for Hinterrhein. Take the road through the village and to the left end, at the connecting ramp for the highway there is a place to park.



The destination is already evident and consists in the peak on the left:

la meta

You climb up along the series of four barns, already visible from the start:

i 4 fienili

itinerario  iniziale

after which you remain in the direction of the goal, keeping on the left of the stream Rappierbach (right bank downstream). The route turns to the west up to the hut of Chilchalp, with stable:

la meta, a sinistra



You go up towards the destination, along saddles and basins

parte intermedia

You go up without forced path, keeping to the left, in this case the shortest way:

itinerario da intermediosi sale

verso la parte finale

verso la cresta

In the attached track we have made this choice uphill, while the descent route passes west and can be alternatively used for the ascent, with milder slopes in the final part; to be preferred, therefore, in conditions of strong snowmaking

itinerario parte superiore

You reach a ridge (cairn), which you follow up to the final slopes of the summit, that you can reach on skis. Depending on the conditions, rampants may be helpful in the last section.

sulla cresta finale

From the top, you can enjoy spectacular views, all around!

passo San Bernardino dalla cima



Easy and awesome descent:

si scende!

fb, 2014-01-06

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