


(Sentiero dei Contrabbandieri) from SS45bis

Sentiero Torti

This route takes place in its substantial part on a long ledge that runs across the cliffs above Lago di Garda, below the village of Pregasina. It is a path along which it was originally planned to build a connection road between Riva del Garda and Limone sul Garda.

The ledge is equipped with a long line of bolts, which allow you to easily proceed without stopping, and only in the most challenging point is equipped with cables, where you proceed as in a via ferrata, possibly in aided climbing.

I thank the friends Roberto and Milo who shared with me this route and that appear in most of the photographs.

Note: The author does not guarantee the accuracy of the track in various parts of the ledge, because as a result of rockfall protection kits and the presence of rock ceilings, the GPS signal is often absent or inaccurate along this part of the trail, which is nevertheless very obvious, thus not causing any orientation problem to whom is passing along it.


Along the way SS45bis or Gardesana, in a stretch between a long tunnel and another, on the upstream side there is a clearing where you can park:


Walk in a northerly direction, passing a short tunnel, after which you will find the start of the trail (indication of Ristorante Casa della Trota):

Go up along the cobblestone path, in a narrow valley:

Where the trail crosses an old paved road, you take this to the left, and follow it up to a bend where you leave it, taking a path that goes down slightly, goes on a grassy ridge, descending it:


Before reaching the starting point, the trail turns left, then right again. At the starting point, there is a plaque:

The route

The initial part of Sentiero Torti takes place under the nets that protect the road below:

Proceed until the end of the nets, always on the ledge, to a passage where a large vertical crack, equipped with cable, must be overcome with a wide split:

In the next section, about a quarter of the way, there is the guest book.

The next challenging point is the descent of a few meters of ladder rungs:

Another delicate point is a passage in which you descend a marked step:

The path sometimes runs in short valleys. After one of these, is a stretch where the ledge is broken (if you do not want to work too hard with arms, it may be convenient to place some artificial aid):

The lake view is always fascinating:

At the end of the route, there is a fork, with indications uphill for Pregasina. Take down to the left towards Hotel Pier:


The return is along the Gardesana Road to the north, with large tunnel sections and a small sidewalk on the right side that allows you to not walk on the roadway. So you get to the starting point.

gb, 2013-04-26

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