


from Garniga Terme

Malga Albi is accessible by car, but who wants to walk will surely enjoy more the good meal that will be served on arrival. The easy hike, almost a walk, takes place partly on paved road, among green fields, partly in beautiful shaded woods.


In Garniga Terme, park:


Take the road to the south, and shortly after turn right uphill, following the signs:

Continue along the road until you reach in about ten minutes the village of Gatter:

Here you can take the first of several stretches of trail that allow you to avoid the road; you need to pass through the arched portico that opens under a house in the center of the town.

Continue walking, in part on the road, partly on the trail. About halfway up, a deviation of 10 minutes on the left leads to the Church of Rocal:

It is necessary in this case to go back to resume the original route. A long stretch of trail avoids almost all the remaining road. As you find the road again, very soon you can see the hut:

Then in a few minutes you will arrive.

Alternate route

This path is more direct but steeper and less traveled. It can be an interesting alternative to climb more quickly and avoid almost all the paved road. Take the road to the north, and at the exit of the town turn left on a path:

Go up the path, sometimes steep, until it rejoins the main path, and go for that.


You can return by either of the two trails mentioned before.

gb, 2013-06-16

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