
Mountain bike


from Martignano

vista verso il Bondone

Short and varied track on the slopes of Mount Calisio, on the hills east of Trento.
The itinerary passes along the towns of Martignano, Cortesano and Montevaccino, proposing, although the total distance is rather short, a wide variety of trails and scenery.

On the stretches of paved road, except for a short initial section, there is very little traffic.


The starting point of the park is a parking lot in Martignano, a suburb of the hill east of Trento.

partenza parcheggio del parco di Martignano


From the parking lot, you take the paved road towards the north (towards Montevaccino). After the town, the road begins to climb. Shortly after the village at Bolleri and before a sharp turn, at the fork on the left, you take the path to Maso Specchio.

bivio al Maso Specchio

The road, initially paved, enters the woods and becomes dirt.


This route is believed to be the ancient Roman road Claudia Augusta Altinate, starting  from Altino (VE), and leading up to Augusta in Germany.

bivio sulla Via Claudia Augusta

Once out of the forest, at the fork, you take the road that goes to the right

strada della Fachina

and this way, after less than a kilometer, you reach Masi Saracini.

Masi Saracini

chiesetta di S.Leonardo presso i Masi Saracini

The village, with a small church, dates back to the sixteenth century.

Past the farms, passing by some vineyards, you arrive to the village of Cortesano. You follow the route passing between some houses, up to a church located at a crossroads.

bivio a Cortesano verso Valcalda

You take the road towards Valcalda, a suburb that you reach after passing some steep slopes (asphalt).

l'abitato di Valcalda

From Valcalda you continue through the woods in the direction of Montevaccino, on a road that is more or less flat.

in vista di Montevaccino

When you reach the main street, if you want, you can make a short digression on the right towards the village church (fountain), otherwise you take to the left, and after a few hundred meters, you take a dirt path on the right. This is the Sentiero del Marez that, through the woods, connects to the Strada de Mez

sentiero del Marez confluenza sulla strada de Mez

and leads you to the crosroads of Quattro Strade.

bivio alle Quattro Strade inizio della Strada della Flora

This place is located near the former shelter Calisio, in front of which there is a large terrace overlooking the city of Trento.

l'ex rifugio Calisio

From there, you take the former military road called Strada della Flora, that winds down to take the SP 131 from Montevaccino

bivio sulla SP 131 fine della Strada della Flora

that you take to the left in the direction of Bolleri, and from there to the starting point.

rd, 2014-05-01

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