


detail of climbing routes

Routes are listed from left to right.

Route name Difficulty Notes
La Penna Nera *** 6b Up to the niche, then move left to the spur
SatSop *** 5b/c Finish either on the left, at the end of Penna Nera, or on the right, at the end of Passi di Gigante
Passi di Gigante * 5b  
Corso Roccia ** 4c/5a Better going left, easier going right
Doppia Pancia ** 5b  
Didgeridoo *** 5a Better going right, easier going left
Boomerang *** 5a/b Starts like Didgeridoo, then left
Fessura Nascosta ** 6a/b Brief technical problem
Duro da Partire ** 5c Namewise
Piccolo Pilastro * 5c  
Ultimo Salto * 5b  
Rampa * 5a From right to left, crossing various routes, ending on Duro da Partire




Right sector

detail of climbing routes

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