


tour around the lake

Lago di Cei

Lake Cei is located halfway below the ridge that goes from the Three Peaks of Monte Bondone to Mount Stivo, in a valley on the western side of the Vallagarina.

It is possible to walk around the lake, along an easy and comfortable path, thus enjoying, as well as enchanting views of the lake itself, the beauty of the area surrounding it.


A parking is located at the north-eastern corner of the lake, another one at the southern end.


You follow a clear and wide path that runs along the lake on the northern and western side:

At various points of the lake you can go down to the shore, on beautiful grassy beaches:

On the eastern side, you walk along a stretch of paved road, with little traffic:

On the same side, you can make a short digression to the Church of Probizer:

Chiesetta de Probizer

Still on the same side, there is also a small pond:

The tour ends by completing the round, thus getting back to the starting point.

gb, 2013-09-21

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