


from Sanzeno, San Romedio or Laghi di Coredo

This climbing wall was opened in different periods in January 2007 by Carlo and Giuseppe with the help of some friends.


The material has been provided by the SAT association of Cles. The drill we have been kindly lent by two companies of Coredo: Fondriest Paolo Pitture Edili and Ezio Dalla Tina Carpenteria in Legno-Lattoneria.
We thank the municipality of Coredo for granting us the permission to trace the path


You can park at the bar-restaurant Ai Due Laghi, near Coredo, and walk down to the hermitage.
Alternatively, during periods when the road that leads from Sanzeno to the hermitage of San Romedio is opened to traffic, you can reach by car the parking lot of the hermitage. In the period when the road is closed, you can park at the bar-restaurant Al Mulino, near Sanzeno, and walk up towards the hermitage itself.

Approach from Coredo

Take the direction of the Hermitage of San Romedio. Approximately 500 m before the hermitage, you meet a trail to the cliff. It is a track that branches off from the path near a small bridge:

Approach from Sanzeno

From Sanzeno or from the parking lot of the hermitage, you walk up to the hermitage itself:

From there you continue, until you meet shortly after the detour to the cliff. Again, as for those coming from Coredo, you should hold the bridge as a reference.
Detail of climbing routes

Smarano Climbing

sc, 2012-07-18

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Falesia di Verdes
from Sanzeno, San Romedio or Laghi di Coredo
