


and Monte Villar, from Rabbi Fonti

Panorama da Monte Villar

The Monte Villar, 2645 m, offers an easy and generally safe ascent route, that is also suitable for snowshoes. From the summit, you can enjoy a splendid view on the group Vegaia-Tremanesca.

Those who want to save a significant portion of altitude and distance can be satisfied to reach the Monte Sole, accomplishing however a meritorious trip.


You drive along the Val di Sole up to Terzolas, where, on the right, you take to the Val di Rabbi, until you reach fraction Fonti. Ample parking on the left immediately after the Grand Hotel Rabbi. If the road is closed due to avalanche danger, there is space for a few cars in front of the Grand Hotel.


From the car park, you take the forest road to the left that leads to Val Cercen.

Tratto iniziale

At an altitude of 1500 you go right at the fork (signposted Malga Sole), then slightly downhill, crossing a bridge, and proceed aside the stream Ragaiolo. A little further off you leave the road

Si lascia la strada

and climb up steeper for a while, until you rejoin the forest road, that goes to the north, leading you to Malga Monte Sole Bassa:

Malga Monte Sole Bassa

From there you continue, still on the forest road and, just before you reach Malga Monte Sole Alta, near a cross, you turn to the right:


Climb the wide open field slope until you reach the 2350 m of Monte Sole.

Monte Sole

You continue, moving to the left, then you get up more steeply along the ridge to the west, reaching an altitude of 2600 m. You continue along the sharp ridge, descend briefly to a saddle, and then up to the summit of Mount Villar:

Monte Villar 2645 m


You descent along the way up. There is the possibility to cut some parts of the forest road going down into the woods.


as, 2014-03-08

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