


and Sentiero degli Scaloni, from Località Oltra, or from Ceniga

Sentiero delle Cavre e degli Scaloni

It is a beautiful route, rising on the right side of the valley, called Coste dell'Anglone, along two really interesting paths, and offering striking views.

One is called Sentiero delle Cavre ("cavra" means cableway for the transportation of materials), which can be reached from the sports field of Oltra, rises on the Coste dell'Anglone, partly equipped with cables, and passes alongside several "cavre", alpine symbols of a recent past.

The other is called Sentiero degli Scaloni, equipped with particular stairs, rising from near Ceniga, and also going along the Coste dell'Anglone until it joins the other trail.

The two paths can be followed separately, or chained as a loop. In the second case, it is possible to start either from Località Oltra, or from Ceniga.

Access from Oltra

Along the SS45bis, just north of Dro, turn, taking a road with signs for the sports field, and after a second junction, you reach the parking lot adjacent to the field itself:

Access from Ceniga

Along the SS45bis, turn taking the road that goes to Ceniga, where there is a parking lot:

Loop route from Oltra

From the parking lot you take in a westerly direction, at a first junction turn left, and soon after, at a small chapel, turn right onto the Sentiero delle Cavre. Go up the path, often stepped, sometimes equipped with cables:

During the climb you come to the first "cavra", called Cavra del Vincenzo:

After the fork at Località Lastoni, the trail climbs less strongly, with good stretches in ups and downs, intersecting some more "cavre", until you reach a clearing in Località Crozzolam:

From here you can go down to a variant of the path, up to the cavra Crozzolam, and the corresponding viewpoint:

Restarting from the clearing to the south you head towards the Sentiero degli Scaloni, pass some ruins, and then begin the descent to Cenica, with sections equipped with ropes, and with typical staircases:

After completing the descent you reach a junction, just north of the Roman bridge of Ceniga, at the Agriturismo Maso Lizzone, where you take a left, for a long return, with good traits along the Sarca River, and among the olive trees:

and some stretches on the road. Finally you come across the path forward, and shortly after you get back to the starting point.

Loop route from Ceniga (summary)

From the car park, head towards the Roman bridge, cross it, turn right along the Sarca river to a junction at the Farm Maso Lizzone, where you turn left towards the Sentiero degli Scaloni. Walk it all through, then walk along the entire Sentiero delle Cavre, until you get down on the valley near a small chapel, from where you turn right and walk along the valley, southwards, to rejoin the path forward, and then to the starting point.

gb, 2013-03-01

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Sentiero delle Cavre
and Sentiero degli Scaloni, from Località Oltra, or from Ceniga
