
Trekking TraversaMarche Second stage


from Pierosara to Serra San Quirico

Monte Murano
panorama dalla croce

The second stage of the TraversaMarche reaches its summit at the panoramic Monte Murano, which is also the highest elevation of the entire journey, with its 882 m, and offers an exceptional view in all directions.

The stage begins in Pierosara, a picturesque and charming village in the Frasassi area, and after crossing a green and flowery area, it finds its point of arrival in the characteristic village of Serra San Quirico.

Trained walkers will be able to combine this stage with the following one, which leads to Cupramontana, thus totaling approximately 27 km.

Towards Cerqueto

You start from Pierosara, going down the streets of the town,

Lasciando Pierosara

and after about 250 m you take the road to the right of the church.

Bivio dx

You gradually move away from the town,

dalla strada per Cerqueto

in the direction of Cerqueto, walking for just under 2 km:

Entrando a Cerqueto

At the crossroads near the town, you turn right, aiming for the center of the town.

Bivio dx

You reach it in about 90 m, and follow the right turn of the road that crosses it,


and 60 m further on, you turn hard left, taking an easy path:

Bivio sx

Towards Monte Murano

You go up along the trail, on a modest slope; during spring the brooms form two wings of flowering and highly scented bushes:

Sul sentiero per Monte Murano
tra due ali di ginestre

After 620 m, you will find a crossroads and continue straight on,

Bivio dritti

while keeping right at a second crossroads, 340 m ahead,

Bivio dx

then you continue straight at all the crossroads, for 1.4 km:

Bivio dritti

At times the panorama opens to the left, towards the north-west,

dal sentiero per Monte Murano

and coming out of the woods, you walk among green meadows

Sentiero per Monte Murano

You come to a small road, which you take to the right:

Bivio dx

You follow it on a gentle slope, with wide views, for about 1.2 km:

In cammino
verso Monte Murano

dal sentiero per Monte Murano

passing a farmhouse,

Stradina verso Monte Murano

up to a telecommunications tower; you pass to its left, and continue for another 600 m,

Bivio sx

during which you begin going downhill, with an even wider view of Vallesina:

dalla strada per Monte Murano

Before the Agriturismo Monte Murano Country House (found closed in the various passages of 2017, 2019 and 2024), you turn right, taking path 143a,

e bivio dx

towards Monte Murano, and follow it for 650 m,

Verso Monte Murano

during which you climb until you reach the forest,

Sulle pendici di Monte Murano

you cross it,

Sulle pendici di Monte Murano
tratto nel bosco

and climb up to the cross:

Monte Murano
a due passi dalla croce

Croce di Monte Murano

If the day is clear, the view from the cross over Vallesina is spectacular, sometimes reaching all the way to the sea:

Monte Murano
panorama sulla Vallesina

Traveling another 90 m towards the south-west, you reach the actual summit, from where the view extends all around:

Monte Murano
panorama collinare

Towards the south-west, the ridge of Monte Valmontagnana stands out, and Pierosara can be seen:

Monte Murano
panorama con Monte Valmontagnana e Pierosara

Towards Serra San Quirico

You retrace your steps to the Country House, then descend in a north-east direction (paying attention to the sections of wooden palisades that have deteriorated and fallen to the ground, which have dangerous nails hidden in the grass),

Scendendo per prati
verso Serra San Quirico

for 250 m, keeping the electricity poles as a reference:

Scendendo per prati
verso Serra San Quirico

Scendendo per prati
verso Serra San Quirico

You soon spot a trail, and at that point you follow it for another 110 m, diverging from the power line,

Confluenza su traccia

until you reach the woods, and path 143, more evident:

verso Serra San Quirico

You follow it downhill, without deviating, for 700 m, then turn 90 degrees to the left:

Bivio sinistra

About 240 m further on, at a crossroads, you go straight but immediately take slightly to the right (red-white signs),

Bivio dritto
poi a destra

avoiding following the tracks dug by the mountain bikers.

About 290 m further on, you reach a small road, which you cross to take the path heading north-east:

Incrocio dritti

You follow it for 80 m, following its curve to the right while skirting a house,

verso Serra San Quirico

and then turn 90 degrees to the left, again along a path, for 400 m,

verso Serra San Quirico

following the zigzag pattern

verso Serra San Quirico

Thus you reach the outskirts of Serra San Quirico, where you leave the path to turn left onto a small road:

Bivio sx

presso Serra San Quirico

You go down the streets of the town, towards the historic centre,

Serra San Quirico

along Via Martiri della Resistenza, passing next to the Abbey of Santa Maria del Mercato:

Serra San Quirico
Abbazia di Santa Maria del Mercato

You turn left and take Via Leopardi, which goes up towards the centre, skirting the walls of the historic centre,

Serra San Quirico

and 150 m further you reach Piazza della Libertà, right in the middle of the town:

Serra San Quirico
Piazza della Libertà

gb, 2019-06-13

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