


from Ristorante Sindech

Here is described the trail 442, that starts near the restaurant Sindech, largely renovated in the year 2012.


From Vattaro or Folgaria, along the SP349, called Strada della Fricca, reach the restaurant Sindech:
Ristorante Sindech
Downstream of the restaurant is a car park reserved for guests of the shelter. But along the road, just north of the restaurant, there is a parking pitch.


Take path 442, just opposite the parking pitch. Follow the trail that goes up through the woods. Some wood carvings confirm that you are on track:

Not long further, you reach a crucifix:

A few meters away is a table and a memorial stone to Livio Ciola.
Continue on the trail, until you reach the refuge:

Rifugio Casarota

The refuge is a good access point to the summits of Vigolana, and to the shelter of the same name. It's also a good viewpoint, as seen in this image, with the Piz de Levico and, farther away, the Ortigara Group:


Same trail.

gb, 2012-04-25

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